Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives. The instructor's rules were simple. Breathe through your mouth, not your nose; else the mask will fog up. Easier said than done; I got it wrong many a time. But once you fought habit and got the hang of it, the panoramic underwater world revealed itself to you with high-definition clarity. Led by him, I slowly peered through the mask into what till then was crystal-clear water, shimmering in the sunlight. I saw pebbles, sand and my fluid shadow. I was in Nemo's universe. Sea cucumbers, sea anemone, clown fish, star fish, sea horses, parrot fish, butterfly fish and a bevy of colourful salt water fish swam past. A shoal of canary-yellow fish did a merry dance and another with vibrant blue fish followed it. They were oblivious to the snorkelers who struggled to take in the sight of a world so beautiful, so colourful, and resist opening their mouth wide in amazement; the tube would fall off! When would there be a risk of the tube falling off? Correct Answer When the mouth was opened

শেয়ার করুন বন্ধুর সাথে

বিসিএস, ব্যাংক, প্রাইমারি সহ সরকারি বেসরকারি চাকুরীর পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতির জন্য ডাউনলোড করুন Bissoy অ্যাপ

Related MCQ's

Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives andclick the button corresponding to it.
There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better, forworse, as his portion; that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of groundwhich is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he hastried. Not for nothing one face, one character, one fact, makes much impression on him, and another none. This sculpture in the memory is not without pre-established harmony. The eye was placed where one ray should fall, that it might testify of that particular ray. We but half express ourselves, and are ashamed ofthat divine idea which each of us represents. It may be safely trusted as proportionate and of good issues, so it be faithfully imparted, but God will not have his workmade manifest by cowards. A man is relieved and gay when he has put his heart into his work and has done his best; but what he has said or done otherwise, shallgive him no peace. It is a deliverance which does not deliver. In the attempt his genius deserts him; no muse befriends; no invention, no hope. According to the author, God is not looking for _____ to manifest his works.

Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives andclick the button corresponding to it.
There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better, forworse, as his portion; that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of groundwhich is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he hastried. Not for nothing one face, one character, one fact, makes much impression on him, and another none. This sculpture in the memory is not without pre-established harmony. The eye was placed where one ray should fall, that it might testify of that particular ray. We but half express ourselves, and are ashamed ofthat divine idea which each of us represents. It may be safely trusted as proportionate and of good issues, so it be faithfully imparted, but God will not have his workmade manifest by cowards. A man is relieved and gay when he has put his heart into his work and has done his best; but what he has said or done otherwise, shallgive him no peace. It is a deliverance which does not deliver. In the attempt his genius deserts him; no muse befriends; no invention, no hope. When is a man relieved and gay?

Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives andclick the button corresponding to it.
There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better, forworse, as his portion; that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of groundwhich is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he hastried. Not for nothing one face, one character, one fact, makes much impression on him, and another none. This sculpture in the memory is not without pre-established harmony. The eye was placed where one ray should fall, that it might testify of that particular ray. We but half express ourselves, and are ashamed ofthat divine idea which each of us represents. It may be safely trusted as proportionate and of good issues, so it be faithfully imparted, but God will not have his workmade manifest by cowards. A man is relieved and gay when he has put his heart into his work and has done his best; but what he has said or done otherwise, shallgive him no peace. It is a deliverance which does not deliver. In the attempt his genius deserts him; no muse befriends; no invention, no hope. What is that which only the person himself knows and must act in order to discover it?

Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives andclick the button corresponding to it.
There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better, forworse, as his portion; that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of groundwhich is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he hastried. Not for nothing one face, one character, one fact, makes much impression on him, and another none. This sculpture in the memory is not without pre-established harmony. The eye was placed where one ray should fall, that it might testify of that particular ray. We but half express ourselves, and are ashamed ofthat divine idea which each of us represents. It may be safely trusted as proportionate and of good issues, so it be faithfully imparted, but God will not have his workmade manifest by cowards. A man is relieved and gay when he has put his heart into his work and has done his best; but what he has said or done otherwise, shallgive him no peace. It is a deliverance which does not deliver. In the attempt his genius deserts him; no muse befriends; no invention, no hope. Which of the following does the author appear to highlight in this essay?

Read the passage carefully and select the best answer to each question out of the given four alternatives. One should consciously engage in activities that will nourish your soul. Just as we nourish the body, we need to nurture the soul to connect to the creative power ofthe universe and to manifest joy in our lives. Often, we forget to address the soul, lost as we are in a jungle of material and sensual pleasures. But the more youembrace what feeds your soul, the happier you become. So if you want to enjoy the abundance of life, engage in what enriches your soul. Nurturing the soul is allabout finding calm amidst chaos. There are a number of practices that empower people towards this end including silent contemplation, various forms of meditation,yoga and tai chi However, the rigor and discipline involved in the pursuit of such practices often seems to discourage people. Add to this, the temptations of thematerial world that leave little time and motivation for anyone to pursue the spiritual path. Poet Walt Whitman declared: “Whatever satisfies the soul is truth”. Thegood news is that simple, everyday activities can also nutrify the soul — like spending time in the midst of nature, dancing in the rain or just putting thoughts onpaper. Do whatever is calming and pleases you. Creative pursuits are particularly appealing as inside each one of us, there is an artist craving for release andawaiting an opportunity for expression. One of the ways to indulge the artist within is to get started with the practice of any one or more of the creative art formssuch as music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction or essay writing. When you engage in such soul nourishing activities, all thought and energy gets focused toward goal accomplishment. At this point, you will find that even unknownforces of the universe are conniving to assist you in your amateurish but sincere attempts. As you progress, you are motivated to do better. You touch and access afaculty, a part of you that you never knew existed. Your inner artist is unleashed, baring the beauty of your soul that has found a fond medium of expression. Forinstance, a sculptors soul is seen in his artwork; a musicians in his compositions; an actors in his acting, a painters in his paintings and so on. It is immaterialwhether your effort is an immaculate artwork or just a clumsy attempt by a layperson. The idea is to try, be inspired and to create giving free rein to the mind. AsMichelangelo remarked: “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free”! What can you infer from Michelangelos statement - "I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free"?